For Professional Theater & Dance Projects & Universities
Puppetry is a unique art form. It serves as a theatrical medium, and has endless potential for artistic expression to people of all ages and backgrounds. Both Eastern and Western puppetry have started to influence each other in contemporary theater and performing arts. Hua Hua's Visual Expressions is committed to using puppetry to share Chinese culture, Chinese folk art, Chinese stylized performance and Chinese puppet theater with students who are interested in learning about this art form.
Chinese Puppet Theater - Classes and workshops for qualified participants are offered in Chinese stylized movement; Chinese rod puppet manipulation; long sleeve dancing with Chinese rod puppets; dragon dancing and Wu Da (Chinese stage combat for humans and rod puppets). These classes and workshops are individually designed for university students as well as professional and experienced puppeteers.

Photo by Richard Termine
Bridge Between Body and Puppet
Hua Hua Zhang share her vast experience in and knowledge of Chinese rod puppet manipulation and style with the participants at Pre-National Puppet Conference at The Eugene O’Neill Theater Center on June, 2012 & 2014 . She all also gives a workshop at National Puppet Festival in 2013

The participants are focusing on “Stage Combat” to learn and apply the Chinese performance techniques.

Movement with Objects - Visual Expressions also offers workshops for dancers, actors, visual artists, composers and musicians who would like to use puppets in their projects and want to learn puppet manipulation techniques and how to perform with puppets. We focus on training performers how to move gracefully with puppets including focusing on the relationship between performer and puppet.

Hua Hua Zhang as a guest artist teaching at University of Connecticut. The students learn Chinese stylized movement, Long Sleeve Dance, Dragon Dance and Stage Combat.

Lize Puppet Art Colony, Taiwan - Chinese Rod Puppet Theater Residency

Student’s Work
The goal for the Art in Education program is to share Chinese culture, art and theater, to inspire students and let them know everyone has potential for art. Students will open their minds and use their imagination in creative ways. I would like to focus on the learning process rather than the final presentation.
Chinese Dragon Residency
This program is designed for K to 4th grade students.
This project focuses on an introduction of Chinese culture and folk art. Students will study the mythology of Chinese dragons and their origin. They then are able to create dragons in different ways. They will learn Chinese calligraphy for the word “dragon,” draw dragons and sculpt dragons. They will make a small shadow dragon to perform on the shadow screen. They can make a large festival dragon and dance with it. Students will also learn cooperation when they work as a group to perform the Dragon Dance.
Project 1: Draw Chinese Dragon
Project 2: Introduce Chinese Calligraphy
Project 3: Make a shadow puppet and learn how to perform
Project 4: Chinese Dragon Dance

Chinese- Folk Art Residency
This program is designed for 5th to 12th grade.
Students will learn Chinese Calligraphy, folk art, craft and some of history of Chinese art. Students will experience Multi-Art work with Chinese stylized design, pattern and color.
Project 1: Chinese Palace Lantern
Project 2: Chinese Paper-Cut
Project 3: Chinese Calligraphy

Puppet Art & Performance
Multifaceted Projects For Schools
Shadow Mask Theater Level 1
This project is designed for 5th to 6th grade students.
Students will explore contemporary Shadow Mask Theater. We will adapt the famous Chinese novel, Journey to the West, to create a show called Monkey King’s Adventure.
This project is multifaceted. Students will learn some Chinese literature and culture. They will design and make a shadow mask. They will learn how to design and create scenery with two overhead projectors. Students will participate in a performance with masks on a large shadow screen (12 ft W x 10 ft H). The program will contain creative activities and will also develop teamwork and cooperation skills. We will play “Monkey King’s Adventure”, “ The Mouse Bride”, “The Ox and The Monkey” and more.

Shadow Mask Theater Level 2:
This project is designed for 7th to 12th grade students.
Students will learn Chinese folk art, craft and some history of Chinese art. Students will experience Multi-Art work with Chinese stylized design, pattern and color. For the Shadow Mask project, students will create or adapt the story, to design and make a mask, to explore image and scenery on the shadow screen and video presentation at the end of the project.